News from
(1) Dreifachkatastrophe Fukushima in 2011, bes. AKW & Radioaktivität und
(2) Untergang der Fähre SEWOL am 16.04.2014 mit 304 meist Kindern an Bord
Siehe unten: "Radioaktiver Regen in Deutschland" (SZ)
Evacuate Fukushima 福島の子供を守れ
Kashiwa-shi liegt ca. 250 km südlich vom AKW Fukushima
甲状腺超音波(エコー)検査測定結果(平成27年7月1日~平成27年9月30日) 判定 内容 今後の対応 人数
380 children from Kashiwa City took part in a Thyroid ultrasound inspection from July to September 2015. All children used in this study were all 18 yrs old or under at the time of the accident. Part of the medical fee for the test was subsidized by the city, thus, parents had to sign a consent form, citing that this test’s sole purpose was to alleviate people’s anxiety about radiation exposure.
173 children’s tests already came back and are made public on the Kashiwa City Website. This study seems to be only half complete and I will make sure to update as we go, but for now, here how it breaks down;
As of October 30th, 2015, 112 of these 173 children were diagnosed with thyroid cysts or nodules. (almost 65%).
A1 結節(しこり)やのう胞(液体が入っている袋のようなもの)は認められませんでした。経過観察不要 – 61人
A1 – No nodules or cysts detected. No further examination needed – 61 children
A2 結節(5.0ミリメートル以下)またはのう胞(20.0ミリメートル以下)を認めましたが、日常生活に支障はありません。経過観察不要 – 95人
A2 – Nodules (5.0 mm or less) or cysts (20.0 mm or less) confirmed. No further examination required 91 children
B 結節(5.1ミリメートル以上)またはのう胞(20.1ミリメートル以上)を認めたもの経過観察 – 6人
B – Nodules (5.1 mm or more) or cysts (20.1 mm or more) detected. Additional examination needed – 6 children
C 甲状腺の状態などから判断して、二次検査が必要なもの経過観察又は専門病院紹介 – 11人
C – Presence of thyroid findings requiring immediate further examinations in a hospital – 11 children
合計 173人
Kashiwa city is truly one giant hotspot where multiples areas have been found to be highly contaminated. To make matter worse, Kashiwa is also home to a waste incinerator which has been burning radioactive waste from Tohoku since 2011. It is supposed to be burning up to 8000 bq/kg tainted waste but the facility was shut down already a few times – as legal levels exceeded.
Chiba Prefecture designated 3,612 tons of radioactive waste. The cities of Kashiwa, Matsudo and Nagareyama incinerated a large part of that waste in 2012, producing 2,564 tons of ash that could not be sufficiently stored.
Incinerators supposedly able to burn and filter highly radioactive waste (beyond 8000 bq/kg) are being build in almost all the prefectures of Japan – so everyone in Japan can share the burden of the Nuclear crisis (old rhetoric of former Minister of Environment Gosi Hosono and still applied in 2015 by current government). One of these new incinerators is already operational in Tomioka, home to the Daiichi Nuclear Plant.
Incineration does not destroy radioactive substances, so the ash still falls under the designation for special disposal. Radioactive ash is a real crisis on its own. Hundreds of thousands of tons of this ash must be stored in permanent storage facilities but there is no more space. So the government decided that anything below 8000 bq/kg is to be treated as regular waste and some of it is regularly drop into Tokyo or even recycled to make concrete for example.
Insanity continues unabated.
112 out of 173 with Thyroid abnormalities in Kashiwa, Chiba.
Süddeutschen Zeitung, Panorama, 13.11.2015
Radioaktiver Regen
Die Reaktorkatastrophe von Fukushima hat kaum radioaktive Belastung bis nach Deutschland gebracht. Es sei zwar nach dem Unglück 2011 hierzulande Radioaktivität im Regenwasser gemessen worden, aber sie sei tausendmal geringer gewesen als die Werte nach dem Unfall in Tschernobyl, sagte Thomas Steinkopff, Leiter der Radioaktivitätsüberwachung beim Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) in Offenbach am Donnerstag. Die Werte hätten kaum über der Nachweisgrenze gelegen. Derzeit werde keine Radioaktivitätsbelastung aus künstlichen Quellen in Deutschland gemessen. Der DWD überwacht seit 60 Jahren die Radioaktivität in Deutschland. Dazu untersucht er an 48 im Land verteilten Stationen laufend Luft und Regen.