20. April 2014

Morgen, am Ostermontag, wird in Tokyo Anklage gegen Ministerpräsident ABE Shinzo erhoben.
Darin wird Der Ministerpräsident beschuldigt, gegen die Verfassung verstoßen zu haben, als er am 16.12.2013 in offizieller Eigenschaft den Yasukunischrein besucht habe. Wörtlich in der Presseerklärung:
"He was dressed with ceremonial suit, used an official car to the Yasukuni Shrine, and recorded his name in the register of visitors in the name of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and made an official worship at the shrine. This is not a private visit but a public visit made apparently in violation of the Principle of Separation of the Religion and the Government prescribed in Article 20 of the Constitution of Japan.
We will file a lawsuit in Tokyo on April 21, 2014 claiming that an official visit by Prime Minister Abe was unconstitutional.
273 plaintiffs will file a lawsuit requesting for an injunction regarding future official visits and a declaration that the official visit made by Prime Minister Abe was unconstitutional. Among the plaintiffs are twenty Koreans residing in Korea. April 21, 2014 is the first day of the Major Customary Spring Festival, the most important festival of The Yasukuni Shrine and a day close to the date of a visit by the U.S. President Obama.
A sound judgment by the Court is expected in the international attention."
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