2021: The Coronavirus Pandemic - India
Quelle: The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 19 | Issue 1 | Number 3 | Article ID 5527 | Jan 01, 2021
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The Coronavirus Pandemic: India in Global Perspective
Ramesh Thakur, Deepak Nayyar
This article analyzes the impact of the coronavirus epidemic in India after first situating it in the wider international context. It begins with a global perspective on the spread of the pandemic that correlates more with geography, demography and seasonality than lockdown stringency and sequencing. The responses of governments have damaged economies, lost livelihoods, worsened healthcare-access and learning-outcomes, while curbing rights and freedoms of citizens. In India, the draconian lockdown dealt a crippling blow to the economy which has hurt the poor badly but could not ‘flatten the curve’. The inadequate and inappropriate policy response has made the task of economic recovery even more difficult. Yet, the crisis also opens possible opportunities for India to enhance its global role and profile. ....
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