2016: Botschaft der jap. Bischofskonferenz

Radioaktivität - Atomkraft 

Botschaft der Japanischen Bischofskonferenz

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan issued a statement: 

On the Abolition of Nuclear Power Generation:
A Call by the Catholic Church in Japan Five and a Half Years after the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster 

A Message from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan to All the People of Earth, Our Common Home  (Nov 11,2016 ) 

Mit Dank an Prof. Dr. Martin Repp, Frankfurt a.M.
Übermittelt von: Japan catholic council for Justice and Peace

Download pdf:

German http://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/jpn/doc/cbcj/161111d.pdf

Englisn  http://cbcj.catholic.jp/jpn/doc/cbcj/161111e.pdf

Nuke-free Earth

Christian Network for a Nuke-free Earth (seit 2011) cnfe logo 170x110

Japanische Bischofskonferenz

Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace