2019: Taiyuan Prison Martyrs commemorated


Quelle:  taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2019/05/29/2003715990

Taiyuan Prison martyrs commemorated
By Jason Pan

"Academics and government officials joined former Academics and government officials joined former political prisoner Kao Chin-lang (高金郎) to commemorate five martyrs of the Taiwanese independence movement who were executed in the 1970 Taiyuan Prison Insurrection at a book launch event in Taipei yesterday.

There have been more files and government internal documents being declassified and made available to researchers and to the families of victims, Kao said,much due to the good work done by the Transitional Justice Commission, which was established by the government in May last year.

With the new material, Kao has added new chapters to his book on the Taiyuan Prison Insurrection, which was sponsored and published by the National Human Rights Museum. ..."

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