Video&Audio zu Japan
2018: What Being a Christian Is Like In Japan
What Being a Christian Is Like In Japan
Christianity in Japan is among the minority religions and just 1% of the population claims Christian belief or affiliation. How do they actually feel about living in Japan?
2014 Fukushima Radiation Fallout Review Fukushima Global Radiation
Conspiracy Video Media Coalition | Veröffentlicht am 19.12.2013
10 Fukushima expert quotes, and treatment for radiation detoxifying your body. Sign petitions, prepare, prevent nuclear proliferation! 2014"Fukushima Radiation Fallout Review Fukushima Global Radiation Crisis USA Radiation Fallout" Join the movement of top experts on the nuclear industry - preventing nuclear power once and for all!!
Youtube: 2014 Fukushima Radiation Fallout Review Fukushima Global Radiation
Medical experts criticize UNSCEAR report for playing down consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident
World Network children
Youtube: Medical experts criticize UNSCEAR report for playing down consequences of Fukushima nuclear accident