24. Juli 2014

Nach 10 1/2 Stunden festgenagelt im LH 710 aus Frankfurt nach Narita gu gelandet. Und von den Verandten abgeholt. "Somen" war genau das richtige Abvendessen. Immerhin war der gestrige Tag (23.7.) der bisher heißeste Tag in Japan. Danach geschlafen bis Dionnerstag, also heute 12:4 Uhr! De Jetlag ist damit hoffentlich überwunden?!

Zum Empfang in Narita folgende Meldungen:

  • Government's tourism efforts ineffective, repprt says. (JT, 23.7.)
  • Leadership role in UN peace mission weighed (JT, 23.7.)
  • Saga (eine Provinz auf Kyushu) is asked to accept Osprey deployment (Osprey wird auf Okinawa gefüchtet und abgelehnt!)
  • A group of lawmakers called Tuesday for the Nobel Committee to award Article 9 of the Constitution this yer's Nobel Peace Prize, saying ikt would geratly encourage Japanese people as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushes to expand Japan's military capacity.
  • Das AKW Sendai in Kyushu, das als erstes wieder angeschben werden soll, sieht sich großem Widerstand in der dortigen Bevölkerung gegenüber.

So geht nun der erste volle Tag zu Ende.

Aus Korea folgende Nachriht:

Why Germany Isn’t a Model for Unification Korea to Follow

Yong Kwon of The Diplomat wrote a very interesting piece this week critiquing South Korean President Park Geun-Hye’s Dresden Doctrine. According to Kwon’s article, President Park’s so called Dresden Doctrine is destined to fail because the situation in Germany precluding unification was far different to the situation on the Korean peninsula today.

During her New Year’s speech in Dresden President Park stated that unification would be a “jackpot” for Korea. Her proposal was that the two Koreas could take a leaf out of Germany pre-unification by cooperating on “humanitarian issues, infrastructure development, and restoring a sense of common nationhood.” Park’s plan for unification has been met with criticism that the plan is “overly optimistic” and casually ignores the key differences between the Korean and German cases.

One of the biggest weaknesses to Parks; Dresden Doctrine was shown up when Pyongyang rejected the doctrine as it promotes unification by absorption. North Korea doesn’t wish to be compared with the smaller, weaker and poorer East Germany that was ultimately absorbed by the richer and more powerful West Germany. Additionally, to compare North Korea to East Germany is not a relevant comparison to make as East Germany was a satellite of the USSR, where as North Korea is a country intent on regime survival. Finally, Beijing doesn’t have anywhere near the kind of influence over North Korea that Moscow had over East Germany.

I fully recommend you read the original article for more detail as to why President Park’s Dresden Doctrine of following Germany’s reunification model is flawed and destined to fail.

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