Sendai-Kita-Gemeinde Migagi-Ken, Kirchenbezirk OU
Vom Buraku Liberation Center in Osaka erreichte uns ein Bericht von Pfr. Nozomu KONISHI von der Sendai-Kita Gemeinde,die zum Kirchenbezirk OU in Nordost Japan gehört, geschrieben am 23. Tage nach dem Erdbeben.
"... The Tohoku District was able to set up a victim support center by the 5th day and began giving direct support to constituents of each local church. In the early days, relief efforts centered around getting supplies to the people, and now the effort is shifting more towards providing work teams of volunteers, particularly of young people who are helping in the clean-up efforts. The next step is the establishing of the âCommittee on Support and Rebuilding of Tohoku District Churches.â This effort will be a long-term effort to help churches to rebuild and to support the victims of this disaster. The Ou District is likewise following essentially the same plan. ..."
> hier zum vollständigen Bericht als pdf