Government must Accept Responsibility: April 2011

11. April 2011

Former Fukushima Governor Sato Eisaku Blasts METI-TEPCO Alliance:
"Government must accept responsibility for defrauding the people."

Onuki Satoko

The explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has become an earthshaking situation, severely damaging the surrounding area. In addition, highly radioactive ocean water has been detected nearby. Sato Eisaku, who at one point brought 17 nuclear power plants operated by the Tokyo Power Electric Company (TEPCO) to a halt, is indignant about the situation: "The root of all evil is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the government."

Every time I see news about the accident, I cannot help but feel anger rise in me. Some of the pundits have said, "This is an accident beyond all expectations. It is a natural disaster," but do not be fooled. This accident was doomed to happen. In other words, it is a man-made disaster.

During my tenure as governor of Fukushima prefecture, I fought hard against METI, demanding a transparency guarantee on accident information and working to secure the prefectural government's rights with regard to where nuclear plants are built. METI is supposed to supervise and instruct TEPCO so as to prevent TEPCO's repeated tampering with and concealing of information, but instead, the two organizations have been working together. Judging from the news reports, I think the situation has not changed at all.

This article by Onuki Satoko was published in Shukan Asahion March 30, 2011.

Recommended citation: Onuki Satoko, Former Fukushima Governor Sato Eisaku Blasts METI -TEPCO Alliance: "Government must accept responsibility for defrauding the people", The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 15 No 4, April 11, 2011.

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