Fukushima - The Situation: März 2011 (4)
März 2011
Fukushima: The Situation on the Ground
JPR EditorsUpdated March 25 This report introduces the first photographs of TEPCO workers inside the plant, the accounts of family members together with recent reports on the present status of the six reactors at Fukushima Daiichi.The Daily Mail has published a series of photos that show the ongoing work at the plant. This is the first look at the individuals working to cool the reactors at great personal risk. There are now as many as 200 working around the clock in rotating teams in order to limit exposure to radiation.
"Long Since Passed the Level of Three Mile Island" -
The Fukushima Crisis in Comparative Perspective
APJ Editors
As the crisis in Fukushima grows more serious (see reports here, here, and here), international scientific organizations have begun painting an increasingly dire picture of radiation releases from the plant.
We feature authoritative reports by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (English and Japanese texts) as well as those by major French and Austrian research institutes assessing the situation on the ground. See in particular the press release by the IEER, and the response to our questions by Arjun Makhijani, its director.