Das geteilte Land - KOREA
2013 Call for a Peace Treaty on Korea
Nord- und Südkorea, 2013
A Global Campaign Calls for Peace not War on the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast.
The 4th Media | Thursday, May 16, 2013, Beijing
Dear friends and supporters,
In behalf of tens of millions of Koreans, represented by “Anti-War, Peace and People Action” (AWPAPA), from all ends in north, south and overseas, The 4th Media would like to share/present the following document which calls for Peace not War in Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asia region.
The 4th Media, with the support and solidarity from other global alternative, independent medias around the world, would like to launch a collective Global Campaign in order to support those tens of millions of Koreans who call for Peace.
The following English version is the Final Draft The 4th Media came up with.
In behalf of those tens of millions of Koreans, The 4th Media would like to sincerely ask all peace-loving peoples from around the world for their supports and solidarity to promote this urgent Global Campaign for Peace by sending some basic information about you who you are, such as name, organization, and title, etc. to the following address: ChiefEditor@4thmedia.org.
Both individual and organizational support and solidarity are all welcome!
Thank you for the support and solidarity in advance!
Prof. Kiyul Chung, Editor in Chief, The 4th Media
The 4th Media’s Global Campaign for a Peace Treaty in Korea:
No to War on Korean Peninsula and in the Whole Northeast Asia Region
May 16, 2013
On July 27, 1953, Korean War hostilities were ended only temporarily by introducing the fragile Armistice Agreement which was signed by DRPK (aka, “North Korea”), China and USA/UN. However, that “temporary cessation” of the deadly military conflicts has not put an end to all hostilities as it was supposed to and as was clearly stated as its intent in the 1953 document. Instead, a situation has continued of the peaceful reunification of Korean peninsula being serially obstructed and with the DPRK put under continual siege and even serial threats of nuclear annihilation by the U.S. since November 1950.
The result has been that critical and scarce resources in both Koreas have been diverted from development into military and defense. This dangerous, unstable and development-damaging situation has been forcibly continued against the will of the great majority of over 80 million Korean populations in north, south and overseas.
The hostilities, past, present and intended for the future have been purposefully maintained on the Korean peninsula for the following several reasons: the military-industrial-complex interests of the U.S. and its allies; the prevention of the self-determined peaceful reunification of Korea under terms and conditions not dictated by the U.S.; the use of Korean peninsula for military bases and staging areas for imperial adventures with specific targets in mind such as China, Russia, etc; probably most importantly the warning message to any future nations seeking independence and self-determination from the U.S. imperial agendas; and so on.
Therefore, for the last 60 years, countless “manufactured crises” have purposefully maintained the DPRK-USA “semi-war status”. The “crises made by U.S.” have fundamentally defined, maintained and structured a “forcibly divided” Korean Peninsula over the last 60 some years. Those crises have been unilaterally imposed against the much weaker party almost in every aspects by “the strongest,” also known as “the only global superpower” since 1990s.
Indeed that unilaterally-imposed military confrontations have continued between the two most incomparable parties: the DPRK and the U.S. There can be no comparison. One side incomparably outweighs the other in everything in number, quality, quantity, size of the wealth, territory and population, and especially the number of WMDs, including tens of hundreds of most-sophisticated and -destructive nuclear weapons.
There has been also a unilaterally-employed nonstop global demonization campaign as “war propaganda” or “psychological warfare,” by “the world’s most strongest” against the incomparably much weaker side for several decades.
The human suffering that has resulted from the forceful division of the Korean people in general, and from the continued economic blockade, war threats, political isolation, financial sanctions and siege against the DPRK in particular cannot be easily measured or described.
It is simply beyond description. Beyond imagination!
The astronomical waste of human and material resources, ecological-environmental devastations, and the Korean national wealth as a whole incurred by the forcibly imposed division for over 60 years in general, by the ongoing US military presence in an unknown number of US military bases and the US-led (so-called) “military drills” and their continued “nuclear war games” in particular cannot be easily described or measured either.
Under those numerous manufactured crises, today symbolized by the declaration of an “All-out War” together with the “nuclear preemptive strikes” warnings against each other, and the continued immeasurable human sufferings, the fate of already-disrespected, -discarded and therefore already-dismantled fragile Armistice Agreement seems finally coming to an end.
In the last 4 months, the Korean peninsula, the Northeast Asia region and thereby the whole world seem to have been thrown into a new reality, i.e., a real possibility of the first-ever, Nuclear War.
Such a war is now again seriously deemed, as it was during the 1950-53 Korean War, a real possibility to most, if not all, Koreans in north, south and overseas. It must also seemed so to many Japanese and US military troops stationed in Korea, Japan, Guam, Hawaii, and other US military bases in the Asia-Pacific region.
This is the very reason why tens of millions of Koreans from all ends in north, south and overseas, together with tens of millions of peace-loving peoples from around the world, in unison and in solidarity, call for Peace on the Korean peninsula and the region, not for Wars not only in the region but also anywhere around the world.
Therefore, WE the undersigned PEOPLE, from all ends, not only in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia region but also in the whole globe, join with the tens of millions of Korean peoples in north, south and overseas to solemnly call for the following demands:
I. The Armistice Agreement must be replaced by a Permanent Peace Treaty signed by those responsible parties such as DPRK, China and the US/UN-South Korea;
II. Once the Peace Treaty signed, the US military troops should immediately leave from the Korean soil once for all, so that Koreans in north, south and overseas could begin to work for their Self-Determined and Peaceful Reunification process, unhindered by any outside foreign forces;
III. The Asia-Pacific region must remain and be encouraged for a new future of a peacefully-coexisting and mutually co-prosperous region;
IV. The Korean Peninsula, the Asia-Pacific region and indeed the whole world must not be further manipulated for the sake of global warmongers, military industrial complexes, and hegemonic muscle-wielding powers that are eager to continuously raise military tensions not only in the region but also the whole world at the expense of peace, security and prosperity for the whole humanity.
Victory to Peace not War!
Replace the already dismantled Armistice Agreement with a permanent Peace Treaty!
On behalf of the tens of millions of peace-loving Koreans in north, south and overseas, one of the largest-ever nationwide coalitions in South Korea, called “Anti-war, Peace and People Action” (AWPAPA) which is collectively led by Mr. Han Choong Mok (Head, Korea Progressive Solidarity), Ms. Sohn Mee Hi (Head, National Women Solidarity), Mr. Yang Sung Yoon (Head, Democratic Labor Union Emergency Committee) and Rev. Jo Hun Jung, The 4th Media presents this document to our global supporters and friends around the world on the day of May 18.
Sincerely yours, Prof. Chung
Kiyul Chung, PhD, Editor in Chief, The 4th Media, http://www.4thmedia.org
Visiting Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Cell: 86-13521708686, Email: ChiefEditor@4thmedia.org
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Carter Urges Obama Should Reach out to DPRK, Cuba, Palestine, Syria for PEACE
Posted: 04 May 2013
Ex-President Carter at Lafayette College: U.S. failing to promote peace
Ex-president says nation needs to reach out to North Korea and to work harder at mediating Mideast conflict.
By Bill Landauer, Of The Morning Call, blandauer@mcall.com (610-820-6533
The United States must open a dialogue with North Korea to obtain peace with its communist regime, former President Jimmy Carter said Monday at Lafayette College.
“I can tell you that what North Koreans want is a peace treaty with the United States,” Carter said, “and they want the 60-year economic embargo lifted against their people so they can have an equal chance to trade.”Carter, in Easton as the first speaker in a Lafayette lecture series on international affairs, told thousands who gathered on the chilly quad that he wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry last week about the need for talks with the Kim Jong-un administration.
“It’s a very paranoid country,” he said. “They’re honestly convinced that the United States wants to attack them and destroy the country to eliminate their communist regime.”
The 39th president painted a bleak picture of U.S. foreign policy. He said the nation is in violation of 10 of the 30 articles in the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights — a document the United States helped create in 1948.
“We now are detaining people in prison without a trial and without an accusation presented against them for life,” he said, referring to U.S. detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
He also criticized the nation’s use of unmanned “drones” to commit “assassinations.”
Carter said he could think of no effort on the part of the United States to promote peace around the globe.
“I would like for our country in the future to have a reputation as a champion of peace,” he said. “I think that’s one of the characteristics of a superpower.”
The United States should commit itself to mediating conflicts, and its top priority should be peace between Israel and the Palestinians, Carter said.
The former president has long advocated direct talks with the North Koreans. His first diplomatic mission there came in 1994, when the regime expelled international inspectors monitoring its nuclear reactors. The move brought the United States to the brink of a second war on the Korean peninsula. At the time, friends in China implored the former president to visit North Korea.
“I hated Kim Il Sung,” said Carter, who served on a submarine during the Korean War and blames the North Korean leader for the deaths of 36,500 of his fellow U.S. service members.
Still, Carter said, he decided he should go for talks with Kim after at first failing to get approval from the administration of then-President Bill Clinton. Carter said that when Clinton learned his predecessor intended to visit North Korea unilaterally, he eventually gave his blessing. Carter’s visit became the first open dialogue between the countries in 40 years.
The mission was a success — North Korea shut down its nuclear reactors, agreed to withdraw troops from the demilitarized zone that separates the two countries and signed other concessions.
Carter placed some of the blame for the current impasse on former President George W. Bush. He said Bush “tore up the agreement that had been consummated, and as you know now, North Korea has nuclear weapons.”
In his 2002 State of the Union speech, Bush referred to North Korea as a member of an “axis of evil,” further damaging relations between the countries, Carter said.
Carter’s speech and question-and-answer session Monday with Lafayette President Daniel Weiss lasted just over an hour. In addition to his thoughts on foreign policy, Carter covered his accomplishments with The Carter Center, the international peace and health organization he founded to help promote democracy worldwide.
“We now are detaining people in prison without a trial and without an accusation presented against them for life,” he said, referring to U.S. detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He also criticized the nation’s use of unmanned “drones” to commit “assassinations.”
“I think if the United States would just talk to the North Koreans,” he said, “and if the United States would just talk to the Cubans, and if the United States would just talk to the Maoists, and if the United States would just talk to the Syrians, and if the United States would just talk to the Palestinians, I believe in those ways we can have peace and the United States would be a lot better off in the long run.”