2018: 5 Aufsätze zur jap. Verfassung

Zur Verfassung Japan's.
Quelle: The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 16 | Issue 5 |  Feb 19, 2018
Fünf Aufsätze zur japanischen Verfassung
The Constitution, Human Rights and Pluralism in Japan:
Alternative Visions of Constitutions Past and Future
Tessa Morris-Suzuki
We, the Japanese People: Rethinking the Meaning of the Peace Constitution
C. Douglas Lummis
Prime Minster Abe’s Constitutional Campaign and the Assault on Individual Rights
Okano Yayo
Affirmative Action Policies Under the Postwar Japanese Constitution:
On the Effects of the Dōwa Special Measures Policy
Noah McCormack
Rethinking Japan’s Constitution from the Perspective of the Ainu and Ryūkyū Peoples
Uemura Hideaki, Jeff Gayman


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