"Trostfrauen", Wiedergutmachung und Menschenrechte            

2019: War, Rape and Patriarchy: The Japanese experience

"Trostfrauen" des 2. Welltkrieges - "Comfort Women"

War, Rape and Patriarchy: The Japanese experience

Yuki Tanaka

By analysing how all wars affect women and examining the approach to sexual violence taken by the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, this article attempts to locate issues of the "comfort women" in international perspective, to examine intellectual foundations for the study of war, and the role of rape in Japan's China war in particular. The article further explores the role of the military and the Japanese state in establishing and controlling the comfort women system in the course of the Asia-Pacific War.

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     Texte 1993
der jap. Regierung

Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei KONO on the result of the study on the issue of "comfort women"

On the Issue of Wartime "Comfort Women". Hier sind die Ergebnisse der Nachforschungen durch die Regierung zusammengefasst.

"Trostfrauen": alle Beiträge