"Trostfrauen", Wiedergutmachung und Menschenrechte            

2017: Secret Deal with Japan

"Trostfrauen", "Comfort Women"

S.Korea confirms existence of secret deal with Japan on comfort women
Wednesday, December 27, 2017, Editor: Yurou

SEOUL, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- South Korea on Wednesday confirmed the existence of secret agreement with Japan in the 2015 deal between the two countries over the sexual slavery victims of South Korea who were forced into sex enslavement for Japanese military brothels during World War II.

The task force team under Seoul's foreign ministry announced a review result on the deal with Japan, reached on Dec. 28, 2015 under the previous South Korean government to reach a "final and irreversible" agreement on comfort women victims.

Comfort women refers to the Korean women who were kidnapped, coerced or duped into sex servitude for Japan's Imperial Army during the Pacific War. Historians say up to 200,000 girls and young women fell victim to the war crime against humanity.

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     Texte 1993
der jap. Regierung

Statement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei KONO on the result of the study on the issue of "comfort women"

On the Issue of Wartime "Comfort Women". Hier sind die Ergebnisse der Nachforschungen durch die Regierung zusammengefasst.

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