2020: Ersatzdienst 36 Monate
Kriegsdienstverweigerung Südkorea
Hankyoreh, 2020-07-16
S. Korea allows 35 conscientious objectors to service in alternative roles for 36 months
First instance of alternative service roles after revision to Military Service Act in 2019
"... The South Korean Military Manpower Administration (MMA) has, for the first time, decided to allow 35 conscientious objectors to work in alternative roles to mandatory military service. An MMA press release published on July 15 stated that at the first general meeting of the Alternative Service Review Committee, 35 people who had been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Supreme Court for allegedly avoiding military service have been placed in "alternative roles." This is the first time the agency has decided to place potential military recruits into alternative roles since the country's National Assembly passed a revision to the Military Service Act in December of last year.
The conscientious objectors mentioned in the press release were all people who had applied for alternative service from June 30 to July 7. The law concerning the enlistment and service of alternative service members (the Alternative Service Act) stipulates that those found not guilty by the Supreme Court after being charged with avoiding military service will be placed in alternative service without a "fact-finding investigation" or a review by a "preliminary review committee."...."
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Korea Herald, 2020-07-22, www.koreaherald.com/common/newsprint.php?ud=20200722000747
Criminalized for decades, conscientious objectors to begin alternative service
"... Starting in October, conscientious objectors in Korea who pass a thorough screening process will work in jails for three years instead of serving in the military for about two years. The alternative service system is a major departure from the country’s 67-year history of criminalizing people who refused conscription, regardless of whether they did so on religious grounds. Technically still at war with North Korea, South Korea requires all able-bodied men to serve in the military. Those who said no were typically jailed for 18 months. The first group of 35 men to take part in alternative service was announced last week, as the Defense Ministry continued to fine-tune details of the system. ..."
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Anmesty International
Südkorea: Alternative zum Militärdienst ist neue Form der Bestrafung
"... Nach dem neuen Gesetz müssen Verweigerer, die aus religiösen oder anderen Gründen den Kriegs dienst ablehnen, einen dreijährigen Dienst im Gefäng nis oder anderen Hafteinrichtungen ableisten. Bislang sind sie zu 18 Monaten Haft verurteilt worden. Wegweisende Urteile des Obersten Gerichtsho fes und des Verfassungsgerichtes hatten das Recht auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung 2018 anerkannt. „Den südkoreanischen Kriegsdienstverweigerern wurde ein echter alternativer Dienst versprochen. Stattdessen sind sie nun konfrontiert mit nichts weniger als einer alternativen Bestrafung**, sagte Arnold Fang, Experte von Amnesty International für Ostasien. ..."
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