2013: Workshop - Kriegsdienstverweigerung
Vollversammlung des Ökumensichen Rates der Kirchen, Pusan 2013
29.10. - 08.11.2013
Workshop "Kriegsdienstverweigerung in der Republik Korea"
26.10.2013 in Seoul
Informationen zur Kriegsdienstverweigerung (allgemein und zu Korea) sind unter dem Stichwort Menschenrechte>Kriegsdienstverweigerer zu finden.
Stand der Vorbereitungen: Ende September
Kooperationspartner in Korea:
Korea Anabaptist Center
Korea Peace building Institute
The Frontiers
World without war
Amnesty International
The center for conflict transformation
Zum sehr vorläufigen Programmentwurf
Place: One of the Catholic or Protestant church/conference/office buildings in Seoul (TBA)
Part I 14:00 -15:40
Opening remarks by Kyong-Jung Kim (Korea Anabaptist Center)
• Presentation 1: Korean speaker (30 min)
Topic suggestion: Biblical perspective on justice and peace issues that bring natural response to be peacemakers in the world today
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• Presentation 2: Foreign speaker (1 hour including translation)
o Topic suggestion
Background information on the ecumenical discourse on "just peace".
What is the role of the churches / the ecumenical family?
Formation of Ecumenical Solidarity
History of the CO and development of alternative workshop in different countries
more ???
Tea Time 15:40 - 16:00
Part II 16:00 - 18:00
Panel workshop: 4 panelists
1. Human rights, religious, conscientious decision (15 min by Amnesty international Korea)
2. Story telling (15 min by a former CO, Kwon SoonWook)
3. Practical questions/ challenges for Korean churches (15 min by a Korean pastor TBA)
4. Stories from a foreign guest (30 min - translation included by one of the foreign guests
speakers: Paul Schneiss, Fernando Enns, Bishop Renke Brahms, or Derek Brett or any other volunteer speaker ???
o Topic suggestion
Background information on the ecumenical discourse on "just peace".
What is the role of the churches / the ecumenical family?
Formation of Ecumenical Solidarity
History of the CO and development of alternative workshop in different countries
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