2013: Workshop - Kriegsdienstverweigerung

Vollversammlung des Ökumensichen Rates der Kirchen, Pusan 2013
29.10. - 08.11.2013 

Workshop "Kriegsdienstverweigerung in der Republik Korea" 
26.10.2013 in Seoul


Informationen zur Kriegsdienstverweigerung (allgemein und zu Korea) sind unter dem Stichwort Menschenrechte>Kriegsdienstverweigerer zu finden.




Stand der Vorbereitungen: Ende September

Kooperationspartner in Korea: 

Korea Anabaptist Center
Korea Peace building Institute
The Frontiers
World without war
Amnesty International
The center for conflict transformation


Zum sehr vorläufigen Programmentwurf 

Place: One of the Catholic or Protestant church/conference/office buildings in Seoul (TBA)

Part I 14:00 -15:40

Opening remarks by Kyong-Jung Kim (Korea Anabaptist Center)
• Presentation 1: Korean speaker (30 min)
 Topic suggestion:  Biblical perspective on justice and peace issues that bring natural response to be peacemakers in the world today
 more ???

• Presentation 2: Foreign speaker (1 hour including translation)
o Topic suggestion
   Background information on the ecumenical discourse on "just peace".
   What is the role of the churches / the ecumenical family?
   Formation of Ecumenical Solidarity
   History of the CO and development of alternative workshop in different countries
   more ???
Tea Time 15:40 - 16:00

Part II 16:00 - 18:00

Panel workshop: 4 panelists
1. Human rights, religious, conscientious decision (15 min by Amnesty international Korea)
2. Story telling (15 min by a former CO, Kwon SoonWook)
3. Practical questions/ challenges for Korean churches (15 min by a Korean pastor TBA)
4. Stories from a foreign guest (30 min - translation included by one of the foreign guests

speakers:   Paul Schneiss, Fernando Enns, Bishop Renke Brahms, or Derek Brett or any other volunteer speaker ???
o Topic suggestion
   Background information on the ecumenical discourse on "just peace".
   What is the role of the churches / the ecumenical family?
   Formation of Ecumenical Solidarity
   History of the CO and development of alternative workshop in different countries
   more ???





Ev. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Frieden

      Internationale Arbeit für Kriegsdienstverweigerer und Deserteure

European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Brüssels
worldwithoutwar 150


Kriegsdienstverweigerer: alle Beiträge