Prozess gegen ABE's Besuch im Yasukuni-Schrein

Eine Bitte aus Japan

TO ALL who are concerned about the Abe administration's nationalistic policy
Let's together join in a lawsuit against the Abe Shinzo's officially visiting the Yasukuni War Shrine in violation of the Constitution.

The Group Supporting Lawsuit Claiming against Offi cial Visits by Prime Minister Abe; Tokyo

On 26th in December 2013, the Prime Minister ABE Shinzo visited the Yasukuni Shrine as a Japanese Prime Minister and prayed to the war gods who had been the war dead and honored collectively.
The Prime Minister Abe rode on his official car with the formal suite and signed on the visiting book as "The Japanese Prime Minister ABE Shinzo" when he arrived at the Yasukuni Shrine. After that, he walked into the heart of the shrine and prayed to the war gods. This act is clearly identified as officially visiting and breached the rule of secular politics which is stipulated in Article 20 of the Japanese Constitution. We need to raise our voices to criticize against his visiting by way of our specific actions:  the lawsuit against Abe's visiting the Yasukuni Shrine.   Lesen Sie bitte hier weiter



04.06.1884 Gründung des AEPM (OAM) in Weimar

22.10.1945 Gründung der Schweizerischen Ostasien-Mission SOAM

26.02.1948 Gründung der japanischen Stiftung Christliche Oastasien-Mission in Kyoto, Japan

10.12.1952 Gründung der DOAM Deutsche Ostasienmission in Hamburg

1972 Gründung der EMS
Namensänderung zum 1.1.2012:
"Evang. Mission in Solidarität" EMS

1973 Gründung des BMW 

01.05.1980 Gründung der Diakonia-Schwesternschaft in Korea 

1982 Gründung des Tomisaka Christian Center TCC in Tokyo

23.02.1991Vereinigung von OAM-DDR und DOAM in Erfurt

Díe Vorsitzenden

1956 - 1968
Pfr. Erich Kühn

1968 - 1987
Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Hahn

1987 - 1992
Pfr. Hartmut Albruschat

1992 - 2011
Pfr. Paul Schneiss

2011 - 2017
Pfr. Hartmut Albruschat

2017  -  Interim
Pfr. Carsten Rostalsky, Stellv.
Pfr. Rainer Lamotte, Stellv.

Lutz Drescher

Dr. Carola Hoffmann-Richter

Die Geschäftsführer

1968 - 1975
Pfr. Paul Schneiss

1975 - 1978
Pfr. Hiroshi Murakami /
Pfr. Hartmut Albruschat

1978 - 1994
Pfr. Dr. Winfried Glüer

1993 - 1996
Pfr. Ingo Feldt (Berlin)

1996 - 2001
Pfrin Sabine Bauer

2001 - 2016
Lutz Drescher

2016  -  2018
Pfr. Solomon Paul Benjamin

2018 -
Pfr. Georg Meyer

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