In Memoriam: PARK Hyung-Kyu

In Memoriam PARK Hyung-Kyu

PARK Hyung-Kyu

by Jooseop Keum, WCC, Genf, Schweiz
Rev. Hyung Kyu Park (1923-2016), former moderator of PROK and an icon of Korean democratization movement passed away on 18th of August.

Rev. Park incarcerated 6 times during the democratic struggle. He was arrested for “conspiracy of rebellion” when he handed out flyers opposing the Yushin dictatorship during Easter service in 1973, and thereafter he led the anti-dictatorship struggle of the ecumenical movement.
He also led mission work with the poor by establishing the Urban Industrial Mission (UIM) in Korea.
Rev. Park served as the Human Rights Committee Chairman of the National Council of Churches in Korea (1982) and the first president of Korea Democracy Foundation (2002~2004).

Rev. Park who has overcome the injustice and violence of military dictatorship and suffered great hardships while living the life of a true man of faith. CWME is greatly indebted to his leadership and contribution to the development of the Urban Rural Mission (URM).


by AHN Jae Woong
Regret to inform the passing away of our ecumenical leader Rev. Park Hyung Kyu, former moderator of Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea as well as Chairman of the Korea Democracy Foundation at this morning. We lost one of the courageous democracy fighter and human rights campaigner at this junture of history.

by Lutz Drescher
Dear Rev. BAE Tae Jin,  
today I heard that Rev. Park Hyung Kyu passed away. I’m really sorry to hear this. When I arrived in Korea in 1987 I often attended the street worship of Cheil Church, was inspired by Rev. Park’s sermons, learnt that  worship and witness can be a “demonstration” and the other way round: sometimes demonstrations are a very strong witness. I will remember Rev. Park’s witness for human dignity, human rights and for democracy. I’m sure his name is recorded in the book of life.
With warm regards
(Rev. Bae is the Genereal Secretary of PROK)

by CCA Christian Conference of Asia

Pioneer of Korean Urban Poor Christian Ministry and Democracy Movement Rev. Park Hyung Kyu Passes Away

Posted on August 21st, 2016

Rev. Park Hyung Kyu, a pioneer of the Korean churches’ ministry among the urban poor and a Christian leader who actively participated in the Korean democracy movement passed away on 18 August 2016. The octogenarian Christian leader served church and society in various capacities. He was moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Republic of Korea (PROK).

Rev. Park Hyung Kyu’s unique role in initiating Korean Christians’ early participation in people’s movement was widely recognised. He was the first chairperson of the Seoul Metropolitan Community Organizing (SMCO) committee, the forerunner of the Korean Urban Poor Mission movement, when it was officially founded in 1971. He led the Christian movement against political forces which oppressed the self-reliant life of the Korean people during the authoritarian military regimes in Korea in 1970’s and 1980’s.

In a condolence message, the General Secretary of Christian Conference of Asia Dr. Mathews George Chunakara described, Rev. Park Hyung Kyu, “a committed Christian leader, theologian, a tenacious fighter who stood for human dignity, and a political prisoner who epitomized the Korean Christians’ aspirations for a new church, new confession of faith, new theology and the process of the budding and growth of new actions based on their Christian faith and witness”.

Dr. Mathews George recollected the role of Rev. Park Hyung Kyu “in shaping the theological convictions and undergirding of churches participation in people’s struggle for freedom and human rights”.

He played a noteworthy role in developing the much publicised Theological Declaration of Korean Christians, issued in May 1973, which has been compared to the ‘Barmen Declaration’ of the German Churches under Hitler. The wide publicity and recognition to this document publicised by the Korean churches during the military dictatorship within and outside of the country disturbed the rulers and subsequently Rev. Park Kyung Kyu was arrested and imprisoned in July, 1973. The World Council of Churches and the churches in many parts of the world advocated for the release of Park Kyung Kyu.

In a meeting with the visiting delegation of WCC to Korea in early 2013, Rev. Park Hyung Kyu greatly acknowledged the role of the World Council of Churches and the international ecumenical community who came forward to condemn his arrest and imprisonmentas well as sustained advocacy forhis release from the prison.

Rev. Park Hyung Kyu served as a member of the team of ‘Standing Advisors to the Host Committee of WCC’s Tenth Assembly’ held in Korea.

The funeral will be held in Seoul on Sunday 21 August.

Condolence Message by CCA General Secretary Park Hyung Kyu 21 August 2016

Kurzer Lebenslauf von Pfarrer PARK Hyung Kyu

1923.08.25.   Geboren in Masan, Gyeongsangnam-do 
1944. 07. Heirat mit Jeoungha CHOE, 2 Söhne und 2 Töchter
1950 ~ 1958 Dienst im United Nations Command
1955 ~ 1959 Abschluss am Tokyo Union Theological Seminary (M.A.)
1959 ~ 1964 Hilfsprediger in der Gongdeok-Kirche, Seoul
1960. 10. Pfarrer der Seoul Presbytery der Presbyterian Church in The ROK
1965 Leiter der Baedari-Schule für Theologie für Laien (PROK)
1966 ~ 1968 Generalsekretär der Korea Student Christian Federation (KSCF)
1968 "Denken im Christentums" (eine Wochenzeitschrift)
1970 ~ 1979 Missionsausschuss für die Hauptstadtregion
1970 ~ 1971 Christian Broadcasting System (CBS), Managing Director
1972 ~ 1992 Pfarrer der Seoul Cheil Church (20 Jahre lang)
1973. 04. 5 Monate Haft wegen angeblicher Vorbereitung eines Umsturzes
und Hochverrates: der Namsan-Zwischenfall an Ostern
1974. 04. Verurteilung zu 5 Jahren Gefängnis wegen der Beteiligung am
Zwischenfall der Demokratic Student-Federation
1975.04.~1976.02. Zwischenfall wegen angeblicher von Brot-für-die-Welt-Geldern
(mit Kwansuk KIM)
1975 Edward Browning Preis
1976. 05. Inhaftierung wegen der Anschuldigung er sei Kommunist,
dazu 40 Tage lange Folter. Grundlage:  das Nationale Sicherheitsgesetz.
1978. 09. Verurteilung zu 5 Jahren Gefängnis wegen Verstoßen gegen 
Notverordnung Nr. 9.
1980. 05. Langer Aufenthalt in Japan wegen des Kwangju-Zwischenfalles:
Hochverrat von Dae-jung KIM
1981 ~ 1982 66. Moderator der Synode der PROK
1983 ~ 1990 6 Jahre lang Gottesdienst auf der Straße vor dem Polizeiamt
(unweit der Kirche) wegen der Gottesdienststörung in der
Seoul Cheil Church
2002 ~ 2005 1. Vorsitzender der Korea Democracy Foundation
2007 ~ 2011 Vorsitzende der Korea Peace Foundation
2016. 08. 18. Um 17:30 Uhr verstorben im Alter von 94 Jahren


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Texte von Pfr. Park Hyung Kyu

Search for Self Identity and Liberation (International Review of Mission, Vol.74, Issue 293, 1985)

Biblical Reflection:  1. Könige 22, 8-16  (Elia in Zarepta)

Judith - A Paradigm of Faith and Steadfastness
by Hope S. Antone

In Memoriam: alle Beiträge