2017: Petition übergeben
UPP - Unified Pprogressive Party
Source: .이석기 의원 내란음모사건 피해자 구명위 <savelee3@gmail.com>;
Thanks for your solidarity. We held the press conference seding your petitions.
Datum: 10. August 2017
Thanks for your participation our campaign! We held the press conference sending all the petitions of around 16,000 citizens in Korea and 1,000 from abroad in front of the Blue House in August, 9, 2017. The Social Innovation Office got the petitions for the release of all the prisoners of conscience. We think it’s another new step toward the nation guaranteeing human rights. Once again thank you. Related Press Releases.
1. The Hankyoreh
2. The Yonhap News Agency
3.The Tongilnews
4. The Newsis
5. The Voice of People
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