2019: Is the Republic of Korea "the Enemy"?
Security in East Asia - China - USA - Japan - Korea - Taiwan
Source: https://peace3appeal.jimdo.com/statement/
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Wir veröffentlichen hier
1. die japanische Orginalversion (pdf)
2. die Liste der Unterstützer zum 16. August 2019 (pdf)
3. die koreanische Version (pdf)
4. die englische Version (pdf)
Hier der Anfang der englischen Version zum sofort lesen:
Is the Republic of Korea "the Enemy"?
We released a "statement" and are now seekingsign-ons in Japan.This statement was prepared by volunteers who are concerned about the recentdeterioration of the relationship between Japan and the Republic of Korea and want toseek support for their view from Japanese citizens through the Internet. 78 sponsors arethe ?rst signers. There are some di?erences of opinion among us, but we agree on thefundamentals.
Currently, the relationship between Japan and the Republic of Korea has fallen into avicious cycle. We must stop this vicious cycle immediately, take a deep breath, cool o?, andregain our calm. In principle, it is often the case that con?icts and disputes are caused bymistakes on both sides. This time too, we believe both the Japanese and the Republic ofKorean governments are problematic. However, since we are Japanese citizens, we would?rst like to point out problems with the Japanese government, for which we areresponsible. Problems with the the Republic of Korean government will be raised by theRepublic of Korean citizens.Conversations will be generated by the self-criticism of both sides. And it is thisconversation that holds the potential to generate peace and prosperity for the region.
Organizers of the "Statement: Is the Republic of Korea 'the Enemy'?" July 25, 2019
We are opposed to the export restrictions against the Republic of Korea, which were announced by the Japanese government at the beginning of July, and demand their immediate lifting. Given the fact that semiconductor manufacturing has significance for the economy of the Republic of Korea, it is obvious that this measure is a hostile act, which could cause grave damage to the economy of the Republic of Korea.
Initially, when the measure was issued by the Japanese government, it was interpreted as retaliation in response to the court decision over the "conscripted workers" issue and how the Republic of Korea Government handled this issue thereafter, last year. However, when criticism arose that it was against the principles of free trade, the Japanese government started to claim that this measure was taken because the trustworthiness regarding national security had been lost. President Moon Jae-in took strong exception to this on July 15th saying, “It is a grave challenge to our government, which has… making utmost effort to develop inter-Korean ties and peace…”
1. Is the Republic of Korea "the enemy"?
Sometimes, conflict happens between countries and disadvantageous measures are taken. However, if a countermeasure is taken, just because a country doesn't like the measures taken by the other country, this can backfire, provoke the other country, and have an effect opposite to the one intended.
In the case of Japan and the Republic of Korea, who share a unique historical past, particularly cautious consideration is necessary even during a time of confrontation. This is because Japan once invaded Korea and colonized it. Any administration that is seen as having "submitted" to Japanese pressure will be dismissed by the people. If Japanese retaliation invites the Republic of Korea retaliation, the result of the chain reaction is a hopeless mess. Nationalism in both countries may get out of hand for a while. We absolutely must avoid falling into such a situation.
As many have pointed out, the measures taken this time, themselves contravene the principles of free trade, from which Japan has greatly benefited, and they will have a negative impact on the Japanese economy. Coincidentally, 2020 is the year of the "Tokyo Olympics/Para-lympics." Normally, the host country would want to avoid any dispute with the surrounding countries. So, why is the host country itself causing a conflict with a nearby country?
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