2021: Jap. Burakumin Reconsidered -contents

Minderheiten in Japan: Ainu, Buraku, Ryukyu people, Koreans
Source: The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus Volume 19 | Issue 9 | Number 1 | Article ID 5591 | May 01, 2021

Japan’s Burakumin (Outcastes) Reconsidered:
A Special IssueJapan’s Burakumin (Outcastes) Reconsidered:

A Special IssueRefuting Ramseyer’s Interpretation (Table of Contents)

Edited by Ian Neary and Saito Naoko
Special Issue Coordinator: Tomomi Yamaguchi

 Table of Contents:

Professor Mark Ramseyer and the Buraku Question:
an introduction

Mistaken Assertions:
a response to J Mark Ramseyer
Teraki Nobuaki and Fujii Toshikazu
translation by Ian Neary

Problems with the References to Historical Documents in J. M. Ramseyer, “On the Invention of Identity Politics: TheBuraku outcastes in Japan”
Toriyama Hiroshi
translation by Hirano Yuji, with translation supervised by Komori Megumi

Issues in Ramseyer’s understanding of modern Buraku history and the Suiheisha
M. Ramseyer の近代部落史および水平社理解の問題点
Asaji Takeshi and Hirooka Kiyonobu,
translation by Ian Neary

Crucial Fallacies in “On the Invention ofIdentity Politics: the Buraku outcastes inJapan” by J. Mark Ramseyer
J.Mark Ramseyer “On the invention of identitypolitics the Buraku outcastes in Japan” に関する重大な誤謬とそれに基づく問題
Fujino Yutaka,
translation by Okada Kimiko, with translation supervised by Komori Megumi

Letter to the Editors-in-Chief of the Review of Law and Economics: “On the invention of Identity Politics: The Buraku Outcastes in Japan” by J. Mark Ramseyer
Akuzawa Mariko and Saito Naoko

Condemning J. Mark Ramseyer’s Paper “On the Invention of Identity Politics: TheBuraku Outcastes in Japan”
FujiokaMieko, Joseph Hankins, Kumamoto Risaand Suraj Yengde

Doing Violence to Buraku History:
J.Mark Ramseyer's Dangerous Inventions
Timothy Amos, Maren Ehlers, AnneMcKnight, David Ambaras and Ian Neary

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