2019: Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
2019: Religious leaders from USA and South AfricaReligious leaders from USA and South Africa issue pilgrimage statement on Israel and Palestine.
WCC News. 08.03.2019
The Statement
2019: WCC pilgrimage turns its eyes to Asia
"...The WCC’s Reference Group for the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace and Theological Study Group are meeting in Thailand until 6 March, aiming to reflect on reports on the situation in Asia through the lens of the pilgrimage’s global thematic focus on racism and Asia for 2019 and the cooperation with member churches, national councils of churches, the Christian Conference of Asia and other actors in the region. ..."
Within this context and in consultation with the Christian Conference of Asia and the national ecumenical organizations of some countries of Asia, the WCC has proposed a series of visits to member churches in Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the border between Thailand and Myanmar to listen, learn and pray prior to the meeting in Chiang Mai.
“The Pilgrim Team Visits have proven again the promise of a pilgrimage: it is a journey of faith that allows us to live transformation spirituality”, said Rev. Dr Fernando Enns, co-moderator of the Reference Group. “Through personal encounters, celebrating the gifts of the good creation that we are able to be part of, the pilgrimage becomes an inspiring reality that empowers communities to engage in transformative action.
Source: https://www.oikoumene.org/en/press-centre/news/wcc-pilgrimage-turns-its-eyes-to-asia Participants
2018: Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
The World Council of Churches, an expression of the worldwide Christian fellowship, calls on churches everywhere to walk together, to view their common life, their journey of faith, as a part of the pilgrimage of justice and peace, and to join together with others in celebrating life and in concrete steps toward transforming injustices and violence.
2014: German ecumenical groups respond to call for “pilgrimage of justice and peace”
Mainz 2004