2018: Bible studies on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace
in den Jahren 2017-1018 veröffentlichte der ÖRK/WCC "Bible studies on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace"
Jonah 4:1-11 “Invitation to tolerance and compassion”, by Magali do NascimentoCunha
Jonah 1:1-16 "Many Cultures, One Goal – Life", by Guido Dotti
Luke 24:13-35 "Pilgrimage to Emmaus", by Guido Dotti
Ephesians 2:11-21 "A pilgrimage of unity", by Susan Durber
Luke 24:13-35 "The Walk to Emmaus", by bySusan Durber
Luke 24: 13-35 - "You'll Never Walk Alone", by Fernando Enns
Matthew 10:1-42 "Jesus Sends Out the Twelve – On a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace", by Fernando Enns
Genesis 12:1–9 “Pilgrimage onto already settled land”, by Jione Havea
Micah 6:1-8 "What Does God Expect of You? A Pilgrimage of Reconciliation with God and with Our Neighbor", by Jin Yang Kim
Genesis 21:8-21 “Hagar’s Journey/Pilgrimage”, by Jennifer Martin
Luke 24: 13-35 “Outside of their comfortzone”, by Jennifer Martin
Ruth 1:1–22 "Pilgrimage as Solidarity", byYolanda Pantou
Jonah 1:4-5 and 4:1-8 "Jonah and hisSelective Ecological Concern", by Liz VuadiVibila