Vollversammlung des ÖRK/WCC 2022
WCC Assembly 2022 in Karlsrhue, Germany
11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches
will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany in second half of 2022
(Deutsch s.u)
For the latest news and the program, see:
https://www.oikoumene.org/ (official website of the WCC)
https://www.oikoumene.org/about-the-wcc/organizational-structure/assembly (official website regarding the 11th Assembly)
For previous news articles, see:
Learn more about the WCC Assemblies
Media Kit for the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany
World Council of Churches postpones its assembly in order to be more inclusive of the wider fellowship amid COVID-19
Plans for 11th WCC Assembly build excitement across the globe
Young songwriters invited to shine for WCC 11th Assembly
Preparation underway, as Karlsruhe makes ready to receive WCC 11th Assembly (14 October 2019)
Prayer will be heartbeat of WCC 11th Assembly (17 July 2019)
WCC general secretary reflects on the ecumenical movement of Love (10 January 2019)
WCC 2021 Assembly set for Germany (20 June 2018)
Für aktuelle Mitteilungen und das Programm, siehe:
https://www.oikoumene.org/de (offizielle Homepage des ÖRK)
https://www.karlsruhe2022.de/ (offizielle Homepgae zur 11. Vollversammlung in Karlsruhe)
Für frühere Mitteilungen, siehe:
Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen verschiebt wegen der Corona-Krise seine Vollversammlung (pdf-Datei)