2016: Der letzte Gottesdienst vor dem Tor

Gangjeong auf Chejudo

The last mass in front of base gate

by Sung-Hee Choi
As of May 7, 2016, the street mass which used to be daily carried out every 11 am in front of the base construction gate for five years since Sept. 3, 2011 ended. The Catholic Fathers in Gangjeong made such a hard decision with tears.


It was not easy for everybody who joined the last gate mass yesterday. Many people had tears in their eyes. Even after the mass, nobody wanted to leave, The human chain went near for one hour since people wanted to share their beautiful wishes for peace and love one another. It was also gathering of our will for continuing and making a new struggle.

If you ask why such decision was made, I can only say the Catholic had its own structural reasons which I am not really aware of. However we understand that there was something beyond Fathers' reach. We respect Fathers' decision though it would take some time for us to create the new ways of protest form.

Otherwise, Fr. Mun said he would daily appear for calligraphy carving work in the tent. Mass will be done whenever there are visiting Fathers who want to carry mass. Jeanne d’Arc will carry out prayers in the tent everyday.

As time goes, we will figure out what we can do. It is another beginning for our struggle. As for now, we truly want to say how we love and thank Fathers, Sisters and Brothers for their dedication and commitment for five years without one day missed mass. We also send our much love to Ms. Eunmi Pang who has recorded mass everyday. Her records witnessed another landmark of our peace movement. Another stage in our struggle has just begun. It is needless to say how peace activists were great part of daily mass, regardless of religions. It was a far more than a mass, you can say.
(Photos by Cho Sung-Bong/ Forwarded by Choi Hye-Young)




