2015: Urgent Appeal on Henoko by OE u.a.

Okinawa. Henoko. Camp Schwab. 
Source:  http://tenthousandthingsfromkyoto.blogspot.de/2015/04/urgent-appeal-by-nobel-prize-laureate.html
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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Urgent Appeal by Nobel Prize Laureate OE Kenzaburo and 20 other leading Japanese intellectuals calling for the immediate suspension of construction of the US military base at Henoko, Okinawa.

Urgent Appeal by Nobel Prize Laureate OE Kenzaburo and 20 other leading Japanese intellectuals calling for the immediate suspension of construction of the US military base at Henoko, Okinawa.

Weiterlesen: 2015: Urgent Appeal on Henoko by OE u.a.