2016: WCC visits China Christian Council

Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen - World Council of Churches

WCC executive committee meets with China Christian Council, Three-Self Patriotic Movement

vom 17. - 23. November 2016 besuchte der Exkutivausschuss des ÖRK den China Christian Council und Three-Self-Patrriotic-Movement - in Nanjing und Shanghai

Hier mehr dazu:
Letter to the China Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement, 17-23 November 2016, China
WCC Statement on Climate Justice, 25 November, 2016

The WCC Executive Committee meet twice a year, monitors ongoing work, approve plans and supervises the budget approved by the Central Committee. This is the first time a WCC governing body has met in the People’s Republic of China .The meeting took place in Shanghai and Nanjing 17-23 November hosted by the China Christian Council and the Three Self Patriotic Movement Committee. The WCC Leadership of the World Council of Churches met on 24th November with Minister Wang Zuoan, Director of State Administration for Religious Affairs, in Beijing.