2013: Theologiestudenten besuchen China


National Christian Council of Korea NCCK


Vision of God’s Realm in North-east Asia


The Education Dept. made its trip to China, Jan. 28 – Feb. 2, taking 11 students and 3  staff members from member theological colleges. They visited Beijing and Xi’an, one of   the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.    While there they participated in seminars on the history of Chinese society and saw  many historical and heritage sites of significance to Chinese cultural development.  As  well, they heard about Chinese Christianity, and saw sites important to the progress of  Christianity in China, from early days until the present.  Prominent in their memories is  the memorial to Matteo Ricci, Jesuit missionary.  He came to China in the 1580’s and in  1601, Ricci was invited by the Emperor to become an adviser to the Imperial court; he  was the first Westerner to be invited into the Forbidden City. This honour was in  recognition of Ricci's scientific abilities, chiefly his predictions of solar eclipses, which  were significant events in the Chinese world.  Ricci’s observatory is still open to  visitors.  They discovered missionaries are largely regarded with respect by the Chinese  for their contributions to Chinese society.

 They visited one of the churches and met the pastor in charge, hearing about the  working of the church in the face of many government restrictions on religion.   Although there are Christian churches not recognized by the government, this particular  church is officially recognized by the state.

 In addition, the group visited a Theological Seminary in Beijing, and spent time with  students and professors there.  Although the Korean theological students were not  impressed with the physical surroundings of the seminary, they were most impressed  with the program the students followed, the efforts they put into their study, their  spiritual practices, and the fellowship they enjoyed through the power of the Gospel.  In China, Christianity is growing rapidly.  Although the group did not hear all the reasons  why this should be so, seeing the commitment and Spirit of the professors and students  gave the some understanding as to the growth of the church.

 The Common Ecumenical Class have now traveled to 8 destinations.  Seeing Japan, and  now China, they came home with a vision as to how North East Asian churches can  work together to support each other for the realization of God’s realm on earth.  Such  visits help to dissipate prejudices and stereotypes that societies hold one against the  other.

A Research presentation on Korean Christian History and Culture Centre

Quelle:   http://www.kncc.or.kr/eng/sub04/sub03.php?ptype=view&;code=eng_board_04_2&idx=11019









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National Council of Churches in Korea

Ecumenical Forum for Korea

ÖRK Vollversammlung

Im Jahre 2013 wird die nächste Vollversammlung des Ökum. Rates der Kirchen in Pusan, Südkorea stattfinden.


Erklärung (13.10.2008)
"Wir begrüßen, dass die USA Nordkorea von der Liste der "Schurkenstaaten" gestrichen hat."
Deutsch, English

A Letter to Bush

3. 7. 2006:
A Letter to President George W. Bush on Peace in East Asia
als pdf-Datei

6-Mächte Gespräche

Am Vorabend (21.7.2005) der Wiederaufnahme der 6-Mächte Gespräche veröffentlichten die Nationalen Kirchenräte von Japan, Korea und den USA eine Erklärung.

Ökumene in Korea

Am 15.12.2005 veranstaltete der NCCK eine "Konferenz für ökumenische Einheit", zu der er die Vertreter der Koreanischen Orthodoxen Kirche, die kathlosche Bischofskonferenz und die Lutherische Kirche eingeladen hatte. Man tauschte Informationen aus über Aktivitäten für die "Einheit der Kirchen" und "Ökumene". Weiter wurde ein gemeinsamer Gottesdienst für den 20. Januar 2006 in der katholischen Kirche in Kwangju geplant, mit dem die Gebetswoche für die Einheit der Christen begangen werden soll.

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