Glüer, Dr. Winfried - Aufsätze

Aufsätze von Dr. Winfried Glüer

Zwischen Scheitern und Hoffnung? T. C. Chao: die letzten Jahre
Interest in T .C. Chao focuses rightly on his contribution to a Chinese theology genuinely to be rooted in Chinese culture and society—a vital existential problem for him in his later years, sharpened by the political changes. Starting with impressions dating from a personal encounter with Chao in 1976, the article is based on the reception of Chao’s work in China during the following years, as well as some indications Chao himself gave us about his struggle for clarity in isolation during extremely difficult years—among these a fierce attack on Reinhold Niebuhr. Bishop Ting declared him a “patriot all his life” as well as a tragic figure. Chao may have wavered under pressure, as he was aware in critical self-reflection shortly before his death in 1979 — a moving evidence of human endeavor, failure and hope which, however, does not impair the memory of a great theologian nor the legacy left to the Christian Church in China.

Christen in China. Ein Interview
Das Neue Chiuna, Nr. 20, 1.12.1977

T.C.Chao and the Quest for Life and Meaning
China Notes Volume XVIII, No.,4.  Fall 1980
Original Version (China Notes)
Leichter lesbare Version

Ein Brief von K. H. Ting an Dr. Winfried Glüer

Die Missionsarbeit in China 1885-1952
in: Spuren... - Hundert jahe Ostasienmisison. EMS 1984, S.62-78

Zur theologischen Arbeit in China. Grundsätzliche Überlegungen.

Bibelausstellung beim Kirchentag in Köln


Beitrag zu einer eigenständigen chinesischen Theologie
Überarbeitete Fassung (Dez. 2012) von „Beitrag zu einer eigenständigen chinesischen Theologie“ in: Benjamin Simon, Henning Wrogemann, hrsg., Konviviale Theologie, Festgabe für Theo Sundermeier zum 70. Geburtstag, Otto Lembeck, Frankfurt a. M., 2005, S. 364 – 379.

Rückblick auf die Geschichte der Ostasienmission

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